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Using the device

  • The device has two basic modes: “stand-by” (device starts up to stand-by mode) and “active”. You switch between these modes by pressing the front function button (frontmost small button on the left back bottom of the device). After pressing the button in “stand-by” mode, the device enters “on” mode, showing the environment via Haptic mat to the fronthead. When pressing the button again, device enters “stand-by” mode.
  • In “stand-by” mode, the device functions are as follows:
    • Front button -> enter “on” mode, leave “stand-by” mode
    • Middle button -> start next hApp (hApp are small applications and games). When last hApp is reached, next press of the button will start again the first hApp.
    • Back button -> play next BrainAudio™. BrainAudio bites are small audio samples that demonstrate the revolutionary skin hearing capabilities of SuperBrain.
  • In “active” mode, the devices functions are:
    • Front button -> enter “stand-by” mode, leave “on” mode (you should do this before taking device off from your head)
    • Middle button -> AI on/off. When AI is set on, there is a short haptic animation (haptogram) about battery level: short line = battery low, long line from left to right = battery full. After that, following objects are recognized and told as haptograms: “person”, haptogram like a rain droplet from top to bottom. “Door”, haptogram going from bottom to top. The detection range for humans and doors is up to 12 meters.
    • Rear button short press -> cycle between ranges of haptic vision: 1 meters – 2 meters – 3+ meters – 1 meters – 2 meters and so on. Default mode when entering the “on” is 2 meters. When pressing rear button, line haptogram from right to left notes the range. Short line = 1 meter, line to the middle of device = 2 meters, full line across forehead = 3+ meters.
    • Rear button long press 1 second -> floor obstacle warning on/off. When rear button is pressed for more than 1 second, obstacle warning is set on. This is signaled with two “knocks” haptogram in the center of Haptic mat. Another long press sets the floor obstacle warning off.
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