The Remote Sense of Touch™
We have reinvented ‘sight’ by developing a remote sense of touch. Using this new sense, blind can now feel objects, motion, speed and distance without the use of their eyes.
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A new way to sense the surrounding world
The Telehaptic Sight™ technology opens up a unique way for blind individuals to engage with their surrounding environment. With hundreds of physical pixels working intelligently together, we created a haptic space that translates objects, motion, speed, and distance onto a person’s forehead through the sense of touch.
This creates situational awareness that helps blind individuals not only navigate through open spaces but also understand what is happening around them.

Social interaction
SuperBrain allows you to understand the people around you by detecting their location in the room and their movements, such as reaching for a handshake or waving.
Leizure and sports
Whether you want to play ball by the beach or appreciate the craftsmanship of sculpture in a museum, SuperBrain adds a new dimension to your world.
Mobility and safety
The Telehaptic Sight™ gives you a perception of surrounding obstacles located above your waste line, which helps you move safely and independently.
Be part of the haptic revolution
Visually impaired individuals are at high risk of leading a passive lifestyle and are economically disadvantaged. Only one-third of blind people are employed due to their disability, which places a tremendous burden on social security.
While the world is striving for greater accessibility, it is still far from achieving it. Our goal is to provide visually impaired individuals with the opportunity to truly be part of society, from being able to move safely in open spaces to participating in social gatherings and work life.