
Press kit and company information

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About 7Sense

We are developing a high resolution telehaptic sight which allows blind people feel the surrounding environment through the sense of touch. Essentially our technology allows blind to feel the surrounding objects, motions, speed and distance. 

Why does it matter?

There are over 300 million people with severe visual impairment or complete blindness who need to adjust to a world designed for normal sight. It is difficult for them to perform everyday activities, from simple tasks like mobility to more complex activities such as participating in social events, enjoying art, or even simply swinging their child. While it is often impossible to restore their sight, we have developed an alternative way for them to engage with the world: Telehaptic sight. Our technology can translate the visual world into a haptic experience, allowing users to feel their surroundings through the sense of touch.

Telehaptic sight gives visually impaired individuals “situational awareness,” allowing them to feel surrounding objects, motion, speed, and distance. It has proven to be a highly effective and natural way to communicate with the environment, enabling most users to even play catch with a ball.

Haptic technology has a social impact

While society in general moves toward a more inclusive and accessible space, it is nearly impossible to change every environment to accommodate the special needs of the visually impaired. To tackle this challenge, it is important to develop solutions that help users understand their surroundings without the need for external modifications. Whether it is the home of a family or a hiking trail in the forest, visually impaired individuals should be able to feel secure and confident in every environment.

Due to this reason, many people with visual impairment feel left out of everyday life and face an extreme risk of mental health issues, a passive lifestyle, and economic disadvantage. Roughly 70% of the visually impaired are unable to find a job.

This is not only a problem for the visually impaired but also places a heavy burden on the healthcare system and the government in general.

What is the Haptic Revolution? From radios and displays to remote sensing of touch.

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