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Instructions for Demonstrating SuperBrain 1 to the Visually Impaired

Instructions for Demonstrating SuperBrain 1 to the Visually Impaired

The purpose of this protocol is to introduce Telehaptic Sight to visually impaired individuals using the SuperBrain 1 device. It is crucial to remember that the experience of using SuperBrain 1 is highly personal and unique for each user due to the innovative philosophy of the technology. SuperBrain 1 provides real-time haptic information directly to the user’s forehead, requiring the user to interpret this information independently, which results in varying learning curves.
It is essential to obtain subjective feedback from the user regarding their comfort level. If the user experiences discomfort or feels overwhelmed, the test should be discontinued.

Ensure the environment has sufficient open space with minimal distractions. The user requires at least a 5-square-meter area to begin. It is important for others to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from the user.
The room should be relatively empty, with simple obstacles and door openings for the user to test the haptic feedback from SuperBrain 1. Suitable locations include hallways, lobbies, or waiting rooms. A meeting room with multiple tables and chairs is not ideal for an initial test.

Starting the Demonstration:

  1. Initial Familiarization:
    • Begin with the user sitting down.
    • Hand the device to the user so they can familiarize themselves with its appearance, buttons, and cameras.
    • Turn on the device without placing it on the user’s head. Wait for the welcome animation to start and guide the user to touch the haptic fabric inside the SuperBrain 1 with their hand. Allow the user to become familiar with the haptic feedback they will feel on their forehead.
  2. Placing the Device:
    • Once the animation ends, ask for permission to place the device on the user’s head.
    • Ensure all straps are at their maximum length and place the device on the user’s head. If the user has hair on their forehead, ask them to hold it up to ensure proper contact between the haptic material and the forehead.
    • Instruct the user to gently press the front of the device against their forehead and twist the back strap controller until the device is securely fitted, but not too tight or loose.
    • Check that all rows of haptic material (phyxels) are in contact with the forehead. The device should not cover the eyes but should remain in contact with the eyebrows.
    • Adjust the top strap to ensure the top row of phyxels contacts the forehead. If necessary, loosen the top strap and adjust the device’s angle.
    • Press the middle button twice to repeat the welcome animation, resembling a ball bouncing around the forehead. This ensures all phyxels are in contact. Adjust the device if the ball disappears at any point.

Introducing Situational Awareness:

  1. Activating the Device:
    • Press the front button on the navigation menu to activate the device, allowing the user to feel their surroundings.
    • Ensure everyone maintains a 2-meter distance and stand to the side of the user.
    • Ask the user to raise their hands in front of the SuperBrain 1 cameras to feel the haptic feedback. Encourage them to move their hands slowly to understand the telehaptic sight.
  2. Taking Breaks and Feedback:
    • After a minute, ask the user to lower their hands.
    • Press the front button to deactivate the device for a break. If needed, remove and later replace the device. Gather feedback on their initial impressions and continue the demo if they agree.
  3. Understanding Motion and Distance:
    • Explain that you will walk from one side of the user to another. Ask for feedback on their perception of your movement.
    • Move in front of the user, gradually increasing the distance to demonstrate how haptic feedback intensity decreases with distance.
    • Explain that the closer the object, the stronger the haptic feedback.
    • Take a break if requested.
  4. Orientation Exercise:
    • If the user is comfortable, ask them to stand. Conduct a small exercise by waving hands and asking the user to identify which hand you are waving.
    • Repeat as necessary until the user understands.

First Steps with SuperBrain 1:

  1. Guided Walking:
    • If the user feels confident, guide them to take their first steps. Use voice prompts to lead them towards you. Position yourself so that the user also feels the surrounding obstacles.
    • Allow the user to use a white cane or guide dog if requested.
  2. Obstacle Navigation:
    • Guide the user to find doorways or openings, helping them feel the edges and navigate through.

Introducing Recognition Technology:

  1. Haptograms:
    • Explain the recognition technology of SuperBrain 1, which detects people and doors and translates them into haptic animations called “Haptograms.”
      • Person: A moving stripe from top to bottom, like a raindrop.
      • Door: A moving stripe from bottom to top.
    • Activate the AI functionality by pressing the middle button and demonstrate these haptograms.
    • Ask the user to identify and follow the haptograms with their finger.
  2. Multi-person Detection:
    • Invite 1-2 more people to stand in front of the user and ask them to count the haptograms.
  3. Door Detection:
    • Create an empty space for the user to find the door’s haptogram and guide them to touch the door.

Ending the Demonstration:

  • Allow the user to continue exploring if they wish.
  • To conclude, guide the user back to the chair, deactivate the active mode by pressing the front button, and help them remove the device by loosening the bottom strap.
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